If you are looking for ways to make extra money as a teenager, the good news is that there are tons of fun and creative ways to earn extra cash! Long gone are the days of waiting for a birthday or other holidays to collect cash or gift cards. From steady part-time jobs to something …
Personal Development
Not everything can be considered a priority! There is just not enough time in the day, energy, or mental health capacity for everything to have a deadline or rise to the top of the list. The important thing is to categorize your list of priorities in the most realistic, yet impactful, way possible. Here are 3 printable worksheets to help you prioritize.
Everyone experiences stress to some degree. Stress is your body’s natural reaction to a challenge, demand or situation and it can be felt emotionally, physically, or both. Although stress can sometimes be a positive force that motivates performance, prolonged periods of tension can lead to chronic stress which is harmful to your physical health and …
Establishing an employee wellness program that inspires both overall well-being and employee utilization can be tricky. Running a variety of workplace wellness challenges can help employers foster healthier habits, boost participation among team members and gain the organizational benefits of building a solid employee wellness program. What is a wellness challenge? A wellness challenge is …
Life can be overwhelming. Between the everyday responsibilities of running a home and raising a family to the pressures of developing or advancing a career, achieving life balance can feel impossible. The good news? There is a great tool to help sort out the different areas of your life, assess your level of satisfaction and …
While there are many things that can cause a defensive response, it’s important to recognize that defensive behavior can show up in many different forms. From facial expressions, tone of voice and body language on up through snappy comebacks and unfortunate yelling matches, a defensive attitude can manifest itself in many ways – but all …
People pleasers tend to sacrifice their own well-being to ensure that others have their desires or needs met first. Although people pleasers may be aware of their unhealthy behavior it can be challenging to stop. Here are 11 tips that can help you take the first step in overcoming people-pleasing tendencies while still being true to your helpful and kind self.
In a perfect world, we would make the best decisions and enjoy the best outcomes every time. But poor decisions or sometimes the wrong decisions are a normal part of life, so what can you do to make more effective decisions or feel more confident in your choices? Here are 15 best practices to you help make a more confident, informed choice when facing the decision making process.
Cultivating the concept of a growth mindset with employees as well as students can be a great way to introduce different perspective, encourage personal development and foster new skills. Here are 10 simple, fun growth mindset activities for the workplace and classroom.
This printable Wellness & Self Care Planner has a minimalist, modern design structured to help organize and establish simple, healthy self care habits. Planner pages include daily, weekly, and monthly self care trackers, gratitude journal pages, prioritization tools, a mental cleanse challenge, and wellness pages including meal planning, exercise, examples of self care and daily affirmations.