Not everything can be considered a priority! There is just not enough time in the day, energy, or mental health capacity for everything to have a deadline or rise to the top of the list. The important thing is to categorize your list of priorities in the most realistic, yet impactful, way possible. Here are 3 printable worksheets to help you prioritize.
Personal development
Cultivating the concept of a growth mindset with employees as well as students can be a great way to introduce different perspective, encourage personal development and foster new skills. Here are 10 simple, fun growth mindset activities for the workplace and classroom.
Effective leadership not only benefits the organization or group, but a leader with good leadership skills positively impacts the lives of those they manage. Some of the most important leadership skills are emotional intelligence, active listening, critical thinking, conflict management and accepting feedback. Here are 15 best ways to improve your leadership skills to achieve better outcomes.
Journaling can be a wonderfully supportive habit and a great way to cultivate and sustain change. Here are 7 of the best ideas for some journal inspiration whether you are looking to get started or find yourself in a journaling rut.
While most of us are familiar with the terms cleanse or detox it’s common to associate them with more diet related activities. But a mental cleanse is the process of clearing your mind, or freeing up enough space in your cluttered thoughts, to achieve better presence, balance, or peace. Here are 30 ideas for a 30-day mental cleanse challenge.
Whether you are on the journey of developing new habits, or sustaining good habits, a great way to stay accountable to that positive change is by using a simple habit tracker. Using a printable habit tracker is a great tool and a fun way to stay the course and build accountability. Here are 25 free printable habit trackers.
Sentimental objects are increasingly difficult to part ways with, so they build up, which ends up making them sentimental clutter. How do you begin the decluttering journey of sifting through such sentimental items? And how can you bring yourself to let go of items that seemingly have so much sentimental value without feeling guilty or sad? Here are 9 tips to let go of sentimental items without feeling guilty.
Money, whether it’s related to income or wealth, can weigh heavily on the mind. And with financial health being one of the four major components of mental fitness, it’s crucial to cultivate and sustain a confident, positive money mindset to help support your overall well-being. Here are 8 tips for creating a confident money mindset.
Challenging yourself can be fun and provide an opportunity for personal growth. Seemingly small accomplishments can have a big, positive impact. Whether it’s challenging yourself to reduce procrastination, push the limits of your boundaries or crawl out of a rut, small steps add up to big change! Here are 15 ways to keep those challenges easy but impactful.
What is mental fitness and what role does it play in the overall quest for a healthy lifestyle? Mental fitness is having and maintaining a healthy state of well-being through an awareness of how you think, feel and act. The first step to improving your mental fitness is to understand the elements that make up your well-being.