Journal Prompts

50 Best Mindfulness

Journaling is one of the most effective activities to help build self-awareness. But staring at a blank page can sometimes feel intimidating making it difficult to get started. Click below for a list of 50 journal prompts.

It increases your flow of positive thoughtsIt can be done anywhere and requires no special equipment.It can be done at any time and doesn’t require much time.It is little to no cost. Click below for a list of 50 journal prompts.

Benefits of Journaling

* Carve out specific time to journal *Pick a journaling technique *Gather necessary resources *Let go of any judgements *Pick a journaling prompt Click below for a list of 50 journal prompts.

How to Start Journaling

1. What am I looking forward to today? 2. If I wasn’t afraid, I would… 3. Today I am grateful for… 4. I was proud of myself this week when… 5. I could take better care of myself by… Click below for a list of 50 journal prompts.

50 Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Get the full list of 50 Best Journal Prompts by clicking below!