13 Tips for How to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome

What is Empty Nest Syndrome?

When the last child leaves the family home, parents and caregivers can experience feelings of loss, sadness, and loneliness.  And although the term empty nest syndrome isn’t an official clinical diagnosis, the associated feelings are officially real.

Symptoms of Empty Nest Syndrome

The grief, or sense of loss, that accompanies empty nest syndrome often goes unsupported because a grown child entering the next phase of adulthood is traditionally considered a normal, healthy, and exciting step. Unfortunately, that lack of support or understanding from others can compound the feelings of loneliness and lead to other new challenges to navigate such as: – A loss of purpose – Emotional distress – Marital stress – Anxiety about your children – Fear over a lack of control

Preparing to be an Empty Nester

While some parents find the adjustment easier than others, psychologists suggest that it may take anywhere from 18 months to two years to acclimate to the “new norm.” Getting a head start with some intentional planning can be very beneficial. If you are about to become an empty nester, or are struggling with empty nesting, there are tons of new things you can do to feel better prepared.  And while none of these suggestions require significant changes, they are all geared to make significantly positive impacts in your life!

Tips to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome

1. Stay connected with your kids! 2. Get physically active 3. Reconnect with friends and family

Tips to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome

4. Refresh your space 5. Volunteer 6. Welcome a new pet

Click below for the full list of our 13 Best Tips for How to Deal with Empty Nest Syndrome!