17 Ways to Start Over After Divorce at 40

Divorce in your 40's

The effects of divorce may vary but one thing remains consistent – the divorce rate is climbing and dealing with the fall out isn’t getting any easier. It never feels like a good time to get divorced, but when divorce hits in your 40’s it can feel particularly overwhelming.  It’s the prime of life where careers may be thriving, children are being raised and the wheels are in motion for long-term planning.  

Tips to Embrace Your New Life

The Best Ways to Start Over After Divorce in your 40's: 1. Create a new space 2. Purge the clutter 3. Learn something new 4. Embrace your alone time 5. Reconnect to something that brought you joy

Tips to Embrace Your New Life

The Best Ways to Start Over After Divorce in your 40's: 6. Focus on quality time with your kids 7. Learn your new financial normal 8. Be open to a new relationship and dating 9. Journal 10. Set short term goals