11 Simple Ideas for a Weight Loss Journal

Weight Loss and Bullet Journals

Figuring out the best way to stay accountable to your weight loss goal can be challenging but creating bullet journal spreads to help keep track of your progress can provide motivation and be fun.

What is a weight loss bullet journal?

Bullet journaling, if you aren’t familiar, brings a flavor of organization and creativity to traditional journaling. It’s more than just a single habit tracker or to-do list.  Think of a bullet journal as a compilation of checklists, doodles, and tracking with a side dish of quick notes or even just phrases. It can be bright and fun or super simple and plain. What your bullet journal contains or looks like is all up to you and what you feel will inspire you to use it!

How journaling helps with weight loss

A bullet journal is a great tool to use as you journey through lifestyle changes.  1. Evaluate where you are at with certain aspects of a healthy lifestyle. 2. Helps you visualize which aspects of a healthy lifestyle need improvement. 3. Set specific supportive goals for the day, week, month, and year. 4. Monitor and measure your progress with each aspect of a healthy lifestyle. 5. Stay accountable to your new healthy habits, sustain your already established ones, and even help to break bad habits. 6. Create a visual that celebrates your success and reminds you on a daily basis that you are capable!

Simple ideas for a weight loss bullet journal

1. Water Intake Staying hydrated is critical to many aspects of your health. But drinking water can be easy to overlook if it’s not top of mind.  Using a water tracker to monitor how much water you consume on a daily basis will help keep this healthy habit front and center.

Simple ideas for a weight loss bullet journal

2. Body Measurements Taking body measurements is an incredibly helpful way to measure your progress towards living a healthier lifestyle. Measure key areas of the body such as your bicep, chest, waist, hips, and thighs and record the measurements weekly on a chart into your bullet journal.

Simple ideas for a weight loss bullet journal

3. Movement If you already have a regular workout routine and are crushing your fitness goals, then great – keep it going! But for some people, the word exercise is dreadful. If that sounds familiar, then try swapping it out with “movement.” Pick a few types of movement that you enjoy and will commit to for a duration of time – 20 or 30 minutes – and color code each one. Create a tracker in your bullet journal and fill it in with the different colors as you complete the task.

Simple ideas for a weight loss bullet journal

4. Healthy Snacks The urge to snack is real, people! If the thought of a recording a full meal log or designing a food journal is too overwhelming, then a snack tracker is alternatively a great idea. Challenge yourself to keep snacking healthy and note your good moments throughout the day in your bullet journal.

Click below for more simple ideas to create a weight loss journal!